Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I Geuss You're Just What I Needed

It's not every Monday night that you get to sing "Just what i needed" with Owen Pallett in a karaoke booth. I arrived at Monster Ronsons totally jittery after a taxi nearly ran me down, it was an inch away, my hand was on the bumper when i screamed out in fright. i didn't have headphones on or anything, it just crept around the corner really slowly, and even though it was the green man for me and i had on a bright white jacket and hoody (yeah the hoody was blocking my vision on the side so I couldnt see what was coming) he didnt see me or stop til he was millimetres away...fucking hell! I drank two strong whiskey and gingers really fast when i got to the bar, which is probably why i was jumping up and down on the seats in the karaoke booth all night rapping, and pretending to be Britney Spears - which was more fun than usual since the booth was also full of gorgeous gay men, one of whom I have a date with hopefully at the end of the month to stuff our faces at Bobo, that amazing burger place on Wexford Street in Doobalin.

Wow, I just got a flashback (much better than the one of me "singing" Whitney Houston last night...) of an amazing singer who sang the last song of the night..she said she was in a band called Fancy. Unfortunately there seem to be alot of Fancys out there. Hm..

On Saturday afternoon me and Ladyhawke went for hangover food (burgers at Kreuzburger) and afterwards we went plug shopping for her Australian mac at a random store on Oranien Str called YES ELECTRIC! I nearly got a flashing lcd star necklace, that store has everything...I did get a new wire for my internets. Riveting, I know. But, I keep tripping over the fucking thing and yanking it from the wall. Then i go for weeks without a phone or internet connection cos i never have time to go get a wire. Well i got one! And i just plugged it in. So now i can be on the internets all the time and tell you about burgers and karaoke. Yay!


Kat Walks said...

welcome back to the world of people with no lives :)

Anonymous said...

Totally awesome!! Glad you're back connected to the infinite glaxies of internets and that that horrible taxi didn't get you. I don't know why taxi drivers in Berlin are so bad, but they are.

I can't belieeeeeve you were doing karaoke with Owen Pallett - that's incredible!

Btw, have you been watching the new seires of Skins on youtelly? SO GOOD.

Lossa love!
