I self prescribed a movie night for myself but there are just too many 80s jazzercise videos on youtube and friends joining twitter to concentrate any further.
Since I last wrote a post I djed at Berlin Festival. See for yourself: (it really kicks off around the 40 second mark)
Tempelhof airport is AMAZING. It was a STUNNING location. TOo bad the sound was shite in the hangar and there was nowhere to sit down. People were literally hanging off window ledges to give their tired legeens a rest.
I was blown away and blinded by Health. Their live show is thrilling. We interviewed them at Motor FM the next week and BJ told me about a bunker at Mauer Park that I didn't know about. Jake saw the Cardigans on our playlist and said he wouldn't mind to play that cos he likes them...I still don't know if he was being serious or not. Also enjoyed but mainly felt sad watching Micachu from the window of my
Looks like I will get to dj at the Health show on October 22nd. My first time djing in Westgermany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Billy Idol?!?!? The 80s really are back with a vengeance. Cool dance, though...
cooler blog:)
G'on and get it Rebel Yell dancer!!! That's the spirit, you know?!
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