Sunday, October 01, 2006

A Place I've Found Could Be All Ours But I've Seen Where You Would Rather Be


I missed the Final Fantasy, El Perro del Mar + Vetiver show at festsaal. I'm getting used to missing Final Fantasy, every time he comes to town it just doesn't work out for me to be there. I can't wait to hear how it went.

The Presets were in town again though the same night, playing Magnet. While I had a feeling that their show is a little out of place in this venue (but it was absolutely bloody perfect in Rio last Friday) i really didn't want to miss them. They are twice-in-one-week-goodness. I knew their tour schedule had them here last week, then on to Vancouver and back to Berlin. I imagined they'd be knackered after that, and you could tell by the way Julian rubbed his eyes and leaned against his Roland that this crazy touring is taking it's toll. But a couple of songs into the show they played "Are You the One", everyone went crazy and the two boys became energised.

The Daft Punk moment happens and Kim stands up from the drums, waving his arms in the air, urging the crowd to go hard. Then he sits back down and gets back into the beat. Their eyes were glued to the everyone dancing, feeding off the energy.

This pair always have a mischievious glint in their eyes, and are always shimmying around the stage. Kim + maracas = the best thing ever. Hooray! (Yes, his t-shirt says, "the kids want techno".) I can't wait to get my hands on Beams. Please go here and download the Cut Copy mix of The Presets "Girl and the Sea". It is very good.

Modular People must be a happy home. They've signed MSTRKRFT and the first MP release coming out in October is gonna be "Work on You" including the remix by Para One which you can hear, here.


Spent the day getting dj equipment sorted for the gallery opening. Tis a hectic affair doing that, and i couldnt have done it without the help of Oliver from Dr Pong. The place i rented the mixer and players from didnt give me enough cables..which was really lame. Of them, and me for not doublechecking. Plus as the gallery is brand new, there were no back up extension cords or anything which i really needed as i was set up outside in the courtyard. It finally worked out in the end, even though one of my speakers was kaput, i wasnt supposed to be playing too loud anyway...Which was sad as Oliver had provided a kick ass fancy sub-woofer..Oh well. The party was cut short unfortunately as the gallery crowd were exhausted i guess. I'm glad i've had the experience of organising and setting up (with help) equipment stuff. After packing up (why? why? there were lots of people and they were enjoying the music!) we went for drinx at a friends house before hitting a former swimming pool for the after party of this.


What a cool venue.
You walk in and the vast space presented by a cavernous, empty swimming pool just swallows you up. There are armchairs dotted around the floor bottom, people slow-dancing and even a game of skipping going on down there.

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The contrast of the ornate cornicing and really decrepidly peeling walls inside the building was an urban decay dream. The djs in the main pool area were playing eerie music that totally matched the strange echoey acoustics. Unfortunately I had to go home after a couple of hours as it had been two very long days and i badly needed some kip. It was around 3am and as I departed there was a mighty crowd battling to get in.

i am going to start saving up my pocket money so i can go see Beyonce's show here next year!

Hot Date: 13 May 2007, Max Schemling Halle....BEYONCE! 59.75 € or 68.35 € (ouch).

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