Monday, August 14, 2006

Can You Cut, I Can Cut, 'Cause I'm a Rough Gem

It's always the best gigs that are the hardest to talk about.


Here goes nothing.

See, about two weeks ago, Islands came to Berlin to play in Bastard. This band has a history that is a bit mad really. Having the founders of the Unicorns in the line up and a list of pals including Regine and Win no doubt helped to attract the big crowd that turned up, and ensured an exciting and happy buzz in the air as we hung about in anticipation. The instruments waiting onstage were glimmering gently in the soft glow from the array of beautiful antique lights: saxaphone sexy bass clarinet, several violins, oboe, lots of guitars, and hidden in the back, drums.


The band took to the stage, making a wave through the crowd as they walked through, shaking tambourines. It was like the end of year class show. One of my friends there that evening said the band's lineup looks like a pretty typical slice of Canadian life. The seven Islanders reached for their instruments with solemnity and mischief. I think the human body makes the beautiful shape when it's held in position to play the violin. Also its quite beautiful to see someone playing the violin maintaining the correct posture while somehow letting go to the music, in an insane jitterbug fashion. The only girl in the band, Kate Perkins and brothers Alex and Sebastian Chow who all played the violin so impressively that night had all the best moves, definitely.

Islands are not twee and i like them for that. The doo-doo's and Hawaii-esque pop sounds belie the dark lyrical content and deeply talented musicianship which this group has.

They've had some really pretty t shirts deigned especially for their european tour by Rebecca Turbow. Swoon, thud.

1 comment:

The latest development on my haircut. said...

Hey, that was a really fun Islands review! They're definetly my favorite live band! By the way, Kate isn't in the band anymore :( oh well! Take care!